Profile PictureMariana Ochs

Mariana Ochs is a designer, journalist and educator, invested in bringing media literacy and digital culture to K-12 education. After studying journalism in Brazil and visual communications at Parsons School of Design in New York, she spent years as an award-winning magazine art director in New York and Rio de Janeiro, with clients in Brazil, the US, Europe and Asia. In 2017 she became a Google Innovator and Trainer, working towards the digital transformation of schools in Brazil. Currently coordinator of Brazilian program EducaMídia and co-author of their Media Literacy Guide, she works at the intersection of education, design and technology, and creates resources and professional development experiences for educators around Brazil, online and offline. Mariana Ochs received the Graduate Certificate in Digital Literacy from the University of Rhode Island in 2022, and serves as a Faculty member at URI’s Summer Institute in Digital Literacy. What drives her is exploring the role of creativity in learning and advocating for media education and digital literacy as a basis for citizenship and democracy.

Story Design Lab: a practical guide to leading inquiry and visual storytelling projects in education

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